Economics Update: A Relaxing Moment

Economics Update: A Relaxing Moment

Is Australia "the lucky country"?
Recent Victorian lockdowns may suggest otherwise, but how do we rank in terms of happiness? SMIF economic analyst Roberto Vitali-Lawn provides this week's news and a chart depicting the findings of a recent report into how citizens perceive each other.

Economics Update: What's the Warren Buffet indicator?

Economics Update: What's the Warren Buffet indicator?

Even as COVID-19 continues to put a brake on economic activity, global stocks have soared. SMIF economic analyst Lana Pavlovic provides an overview of this week's news, and a look at the Worldwide Buffet Indicator - which, if history is anything to go by, may be signalling a warning for investors!

Economics Update: What is deflation?

Economics Update: What is deflation?

For the first time in 22 years, Australia has experienced a quarter of deflation.

In the midst of a global economic crisis, what does this mean for the Australian economy and Australian consumers? The SMIF Economics Team have looked at the numbers to give you a summary on deflation in Australia.

Economics Update: Ac-company-ing COVID-19

Economics Update: Ac-company-ing COVID-19

While the world is rocked by COVID-19, economic contraction, and a devastating explosion, President Trump has given the green light for Microsoft's bid to acquire TikTok. SMIF economic analyst Millie Muroi provides an overview of this week's news and a chart showing just how big Microsoft's acquisition of TikTok will be if it goes ahead.

Economics Update: Q2 Data Paints A Grim Picture

Economics Update: Q2 Data Paints A Grim Picture

As low COVID-19 cases in WA have many breathing a sigh of relief, figures from Victoria, the US and India, paint a grimmer picture for recovery. SMIF's new Chief Economist Seamus Twomey takes us through this week's news as well as a snapshot of savings and super.

Economics Update: Global West Begins to Recover

Economics Update: Global West Begins to Recover

Australia's trade dispute with China escalates, as the latter agrees to a WHO investigation into the origins of COVID-19. Our economic analyst Nicholas Cokis provides this week's news, and a chart indicating that the slowdown in global trade will continue into the long-term.


Economic Update: Pandemic Slows...Recession Looms

Economic Update: Pandemic Slows...Recession Looms

A global recession looms, as unemployment figures in the US and India climb, and trade tensions worsen. Our economic analyst Nicholas Cokis provides an insight into this week's news, including forecasts from the RBA that suggest the road to recovery for Australia's economy will be a long one.

Economic Update: Too early to open again?

Economic Update: Too early to open again?

Chinese exports shatter forecasts, and Australia adopts an 'exit strategy' to ease restrictions; however, a global 'blame-game' has commenced, putting pressure predominantly on the Chinese government. Our Economic Analyst Josh Leaman presents this week's news, and a challenge for Australian universities.
